China ramps up efforts to become robotics powerhouse

China will work to become a leading global player in robotics by 2025 under a five-year plan announced Tuesday as it ramps up efforts to build a high-tech manufacturing sector resilient to American sanctions.

Coming amid what is expected to be a drawn-out rivalry with the U.S., the plan seeks to help Chinese technology companies compete on the world stage. It was compiled by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other agencies.

The plan targets revenue growth of more than 20% per year for the Chinese robotics industry.

Despite reaching the 100 billion yuan (US$15.7 billion) mark in 2020, the industry still lags in foundational technologies and manufacturing advanced robots. The government wants to improve the industry’s ability to innovate.

China will support restructuring efforts and mergers, particularly among large corporations, to create more competitive players. It will also provide financial assistance and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and government to develop more advanced materials and core components.

The plan promotes the diversification of supply chains, which has emerged as a top priority for economic security amid the Sino-American rivalry.

In industrial robots, the plan will focus on those used in the automotive, aerospace, transportation and semiconductor sectors. It will also focus on service robots for health care, agriculture, mining and construction, as well as robots for riot control and other law enforcement operations.

The plan will have China continue to promote robotics advances in fields like electronics manufacturing, logistics and education while exploring new opportunities in mining, shipbuilding, nuclear energy and elsewhere.


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