The All-Important Role of UX Design in Robotics

UX is crucial in robotics and AI to create technology that is accessible, user-friendly, and aligns with human values.

  • Front-line workers don’t always vibe with new AI tools that promise efficiency but can really mean disruption

    Companies for years have been building artificial-intelligence algorithms designed in part to make the jobs of front-line staff easier and more efficient—but they often find that workers don’t like, trust or use the tools.

    At Sam’s Club, an AI algorithm tells workers how many Key lime pies to prepare based on factors like weather and what other items might be out of stock. At Home Depot, an algorithm tells workers which items to restock first, based on demand. And Chipotle is developing an algorithm designed to predict tortilla chip demand, and is creating a robot named Chippy that could ultimately make them.

    The algorithms have a number of goals, including making employees’ jobs easier, saving on costs and getting more done in a shorter amount of time. But in each case, companies are confronting workers who have their own expertise and routines with AI recommendations that aren’t always 100% accurate. And it is causing friction.

    “Our members have told us: listen, we feel like guinea pigs,” said Ivana Saula, research director for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, or IAM. She said workers have the opportunity to complain and give feedback and watch the tools improve, but still have to deal with poor early iterations.

    As AI expands in scope and capability, especially thanks to rapid developments in generative AI, the role that advanced tech could play in many jobs across a swath of industries is only expected to increase. A recent study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and OpenAI found that around 80% of the U.S. workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by new AI capabilities.

    That means the stakes are high for how accepting employees will be of new tools and exactly how businesses go about deploying them.

    Getting feedback is a critical part of the development process, said Pete Rowe, vice president of merchandising & AI labs at Sam’s Club. He said that as the algorithms improve in accuracy and functionality, workers build up more and more confidence in them. But, he added, it takes time.

    About five years ago, the warehouse-club chain, owned by Walmart, started rolling out algorithms that predicted daily, or sometimes more frequent, demand for more than 100 freshly-prepared items at an individual club level.

    The algorithms would use factors like weather, seasonality, local events, promotions and what other items were out of stock to tell associates how many croissants, rotisserie chickens or Key lime pies they should prepare to meet demand and minimize waste. But the company quickly found that associates often weren’t following the AI recommendations.

    “They didn’t trust it yet. And I understand it, because they were in the situation where—if you don’t produce enough rotisserie chicken, my AI engineers are not the ones dealing with angry members,” Rowe said.

    Part of the friction around building trust comes when the algorithm is supplanting an existing worker’s expertise. For example, earlier this year, Home Depot rolled out an algorithm designed to tell store associates what order to restock items in, said Paul Antony, senior vice president of technology. But sometimes a manager would want associates to do things in a different order than the AI did, creating a dilemma for workers, he said.

    “I think part of it is they feel like they have expertise, right—you feel like you know what you’re doing. And in the past, our systems may or may not have done the best job,” Antony said.

    “My expectation is, the very experienced people are going to feel like they know better than the tool,” said Chipotle Chief Customer and Technology Officer Curt Garner who is working on an algorithm that predicts how many chips to prepare in a given restaurant. However, he said, less experienced or newer employees will be more likely to follow the tool closely, and therefore it still create benefits for the company.

    Oftentimes the core of the problem is when end-user employees aren’t consulted early on enough, IAM’s Saula said.

    “Consultation means I’m part of the process from the beginning. Not when you’ve already taken three steps into the process,” she said “That’s where some of the bad blood is created, and why workers tend to distrust employers and distrust the technology that they’re using.”

    Buy-in is still achievable, even after an initial lack of trust, Rowe at Sam’s Club said. Over the last five years, it has taken time, patience and education to build that, he said. The company collected tons of feedback from associates, continued to refine the accuracy of the tool, and in some cases, tweaked the way certain information was presented, as well as continuing to teach workers about the algorithm’s capabilities.

    Rowe said it was also important to ensure the associates felt they had ownership over their workflow, which is in part why they still maintain the freedom to make changes to the algorithm’s recommendations. But, he said, today they are making changes much less frequently than they used to, and the company has ultimately made excellent progress in terms of achieving that trust.

    “We work with our associates to show that the machine is what we want them to consider and use, but we don’t penalize them and we don’t discourage them saying: never override,” he said. “The point is: let’s earn the trust of our associates that the machine’s making their life easier.”

Why is UX Important in AI Robotics?

The emergence of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, ranging from manufacturing and healthcare to transportation and customer service. As these technologies continue to advance, the role of User Experience (UX) has become increasingly critical in shaping their development and implementation. Hiring a UX designer allows us to focus on creating intuitive, efficient, and satisfying user interactions with technology. In the context of robotics and AI, UX designers play a pivotal role in ensuring that these complex systems are user-friendly, trustworthy, and beneficial. Let us delve deeper into the role of UX in shaping the future of robotics and AI.

Designing Intuitive Interfaces

When hiring a UX designer, the goal is to create user interfaces that are easy to understand and interact with. In the context of robotics and AI, this involves designing interfaces that allow users to communicate effectively with the technology. This could include developing natural language processing capabilities, gesture recognition, or graphical interfaces that are intuitive and accessible.

Human-Robot Interaction

UX plays a critical role in shaping the interaction between humans and robots. It involves designing interfaces and interactions that are comfortable and natural for users. This includes understanding user expectations, designing appropriate feedback mechanisms, and ensuring the robot's behavior aligns with human social norms and expectations.

Transparency and Explainability

As AI becomes more prevalent in robotics, it is crucial to ensure that the decision-making processes of AI systems are transparent and explainable to users. UX designers work on presenting AI-generated outputs or recommendations in a way that users can understand and trust. This involves designing interfaces that provide explanations, visualizations, or other forms of feedback that help users comprehend how AI systems arrive at their decisions.

User Feedback and Iterative Design

Hiring a UX designer allows for gathering user feedback and conducting iterative design processes to continuously improve the user experience of robotics and AI systems. This feedback can help identify usability issues, understand user needs and expectations, and refine the design of interfaces or interactions. By involving users throughout the design and development process, UX designers can create more effective and satisfying experiences.

Ethical Considerations

UX designers also play a role in addressing ethical concerns related to robotics and AI. They must consider potential biases, privacy issues, and unintended consequences in the design of these systems. Hiring UX designers or professionals ensures that the technology respects users' autonomy, privacy, and safety. They contribute to designing systems that align with ethical guidelines and principles.

What is UX Design?

User Experience (UX) design is a discipline focused on enhancing users' overall experience when interacting with a product, system, or service. It encompasses the entire process of designing, planning, and optimizing the user journey to create intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable experiences. UX design considers various factors, including user needs, goals, behaviors, and expectations, to ensure that the end product meets these requirements effectively. It involves understanding users' mental models, conducting user research, and applying design principles to create user-friendly interfaces and interactions that align with their preferences.

The Process of UX Design

1. User Research: Hiring UX designers helps gather insights into user needs, behaviors, and preferences through interviews, surveys, observations, and usability testing. This research forms the foundation for understanding the target users and their requirements.

2. Information Architecture: UX designers create the structure and organization of information within a system or product. They define how content is categorized, labeled, and presented, ensuring users can easily navigate and find what they need.

3. Interaction Design: This stage focuses on designing users' interactions and flows with the product. UX designers create wireframes, prototypes, and user flows to illustrate the system's user journey, interactions, and overall functionality.

4. Visual Design: UX designers consider the visual elements of the product, including layout, color schemes, typography, and graphic assets. Visual design aims to create a visually appealing and cohesive interface that supports the user experience and brand identity.

5. Usability Testing and Iteration: Hiring a UX designer allows for conducting usability testing to evaluate the effectiveness of the design. They observe how users interact with the product, gather feedback, and iterate on the design based on user insights to refine and improve the user experience.


Overall, UX is crucial in robotics and AI to create technology that is accessible, user-friendly, and aligns with human values. By focusing on designing intuitive interfaces, facilitating effective human-robot interaction, ensuring transparency, incorporating user feedback, and addressing ethical considerations, UX professionals can enhance the usability and acceptance of robotics and AI systems. Moreover, the importance of UX design extends to various fields, including robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), making it an indispensable aspect of creating technology that truly benefits and resonates with users.


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